Sep 19·edited Sep 19Liked by Brittany Allen

*sigh* I can relate on several of these struggles xo

I am reminded always James 1:2-4... take this opportunity to count it all joy. Most days I say "YES!" Then the other days I say... "I can't" and Jesus responds, "I already have." *happy tears* I am glad that I don't have to work so hard, basking in true rest is not always easy.

Your articles have been a balm to my soul. I am not alone in this struggle of my body and my role of a mother. Will this ever end I say to myself, my body at war with the role I have before me... that is so idolized. "Oh! Don't idolize motherhood, Daisie, don't." I tell myself, "Worship the LORD my God."

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Sep 18Liked by Brittany Allen

I completely understand, every day my broken body fails me. I have many many arthritic and autoimmune issues, as well as digestive issues, severe osteoporosis, and degenerative disc disease, my body fails me daily, it seems the more I try to do to keep up with the house, the further behind I get. Im in my 60s, and have been blessed with two beautiful precious grandchildren, with another on the way in October, and I am so sad that I cannot be as active with them as I had pictured when I pictured having grandchildren.. I know the Lord is my strength, and He sustains me daily, hourly, but lately Ive been struggling with being very down about my physical limitations.

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I’m so sorry. It’s so painful when life doesn’t end up how we’d hoped and especially when it feels like our body is the reason why. We have a God who not only is our strength but also beckons us to bring our laments to him. You are free to weep over the loss of what you’d hoped being a grandma would look like. Hugs.❤️

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Thank you so much for your response.. My first and foremost desire is to honor the Lord in all He calls me to do. And the older I get I guess the easier I get down about not seeing any fruit, my husband and grown children are not believers, my children grew up hearing the gospel , from me,, and in a bible preaching , teaching church, yet so far have rejected saving faith in Jesus Christ. Some days I get so discouraged about that, and then adding all the health issues on top of it, . But I have to live by faith not by sight, or exper ience, God is my refuge and strength a very present help in trouble. . Thank you for your response and faithful writing.

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Oh, how I remember all of this, internal external, as a younger Mana with chronic illnesses and pain. This older Nana (with more chronic added) now can say…truly, completely, thankfully…His grace IS sufficient! A soft hug and prayer for you today. 🙏🏼❤️

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This encourages my heart. Thank you. ❤️

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Right there with you, friend. I appreciate your courage to share these struggles, and your faithfulness to make our weaknesses point us to Christ.🙌🏽

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I relate to so much of this ❤️

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