Your poem reminded me of the movie Taken and had me imagining Liam Neeson as God, unstoppable in His pursuit of His beloved daughter. Your words are a true gift.

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Jan 28Liked by Brittany Allen

I'm sorry this is the result of your trauma. Man, life is so full of hard things 😭 I'm thankful you have faith in Christ to cling to...I pray it for my daughter who has a lengthy list of medical traumas too 😥

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Jan 18Liked by Brittany Allen

Thank you so much for putting this into words so well. It simultaneously brings comfort knowing there are others out there who are consumed by this, but sadness in knowing there are others who are consumed by this. Your vulnerability is such a gift to us all.

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Jan 18Liked by Brittany Allen

This broke my heart as I read it and I am angry in my spirit against the fear that has plagued you and so many others. There are answers and I would like to help you and others overcome in Jesus' name. Is there any way we can dialogue?

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The thoughts are real. Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing this with others.

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Jan 18Liked by Brittany Allen

I feel this to the very core of my being. Thank you for putting it in to words. Keep fighting the good fight, sister. I’m in the trenches with you 💛

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Jan 18Liked by Brittany Allen

Thank you, again, for putting words to the wicked battle of this vicious phobia. I never feel like I can explain it well. This is apt, and so so helpful. So grateful for you, friend.

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