Hi Brittany!

I live near Cleveland and a part of my story involves being a frequent visitor at the Clinic - specifically the digestive health portion of it.

Please let me know if there is a way I can support you in addition to prayer ✨

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Counterfeit Kingdom was a necessary read for me. You know the opening where Holly said she was motivated because someone wrote to her begging for help because a movement was taking over her town? Well, yeah...real life in my town.

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100% to starting books before finishing others! I try not to, but it just kinda happens.

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Loved this, Brittany. Beautiful poem and I am so sorry for your losses. Yes to starting new books when I have a dozen others half finished!

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Also, I answered "I've lost a baby" in your poll, but really I've lost two. But I didn't have what I'd call "recurrent losses" ... so I picked the one that felt like it fit best.

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