Sep 3Liked by Brittany Allen

"But what if bravery is pressing in and being known instead? What if it takes true strength to let others see behind the curtain, especially when last time you did, you were shattered? What if honesty is worth the cost?" Yes, this.

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Sep 4Liked by Brittany Allen

Oh goodness, I could have written this. In fact, I've been thinking about writing something similar...but haven't yet. I've started a different piece but can't bring myself to go back to it. Just this morning I prayed..."God, I don't want to bury my talents but if you gave me an audible tomorrow that I never had to write again, I wouldn't be sad."

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Please write it! ❤️❤️

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Sep 4Liked by Brittany Allen

Brittany, your writing has always touched my heart. I’m no longer on social media so these emails have become extra special to me. Thank you for being real. It’s missing so very much in our community…. The safe place to share. I’ve walked a very lonely path for the past four years and seem to have a hard time finding a place to “belong” after losing my closest friendships. I say this not to sound like a victim but to let you know it’s reality in some peoples lives. I truly believe there’s a friend out there for me that I just haven’t met yet. I keep praying. I’ve come to learn that God made each of us uniquely and we have gifts to offer for His glory, His kingdom. I struggle accepting that, but daily I’m asking the Lord to fill me with the truth that He created me. He loves me. He always hears. I’ve recently been reading a book and listening to songs that sound similar to my heart struggles. God is using His word and tools like these and people like you to steady my feet. Even now, I feel so unsure of sharing this but I will in hopes it may encourage one persons heart. Isn’t that what we’re supposed to do….encourage one another and build each other up? 1 Thess. 5:11.

Continue sharing as God leads. You’re helping me along my journey.

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Pausing to pray that God would provide you a godly friend who you can trust. Thank you for sharing.

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Thank you

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Sep 4Liked by Brittany Allen

Man… I wish I could meet you in real life 😂 I have had all these thoughts, with hurts pertaining to being open in the church body and it not being received, being tempted to build walls but knowing that isn’t even unsatisfying to me, who is a lover of meaningful conversation. Thanks for the encouragement to press on.

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Wish I could meet you too, Kit! I appreciate your faithful reading and encouragement!

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Sep 3Liked by Brittany Allen

I love this, Brittany. You touch on deep-down, longstanding problems and challenges within the Body -- being a loving, receptive, non-hurting Body for one -- and the tension places we inhabit together. Both it, and us. So often we may not realize what the other is living or going through. And so often we speak out of place or tritely. (God, forgive us!)

I LOVE that you're committed to honesty and transparency, while yet learning when and how (and likely with whom) you can show your fuller self.

THANKS for encouraging me that the goal is worthy, even as we're hurt or disastrously misunderstood along the way.

Truth matters. Vulnerability is important. Grace and forgiveness are there (for them and for me). And, best of all? I get to share the real depths of my life WITH CHRIST...always!

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I love everything you said here. So so true!

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