Jul 19Liked by Brittany Allen


Perhaps you've read or heard of the carnivore diet already. People with serious, even severe body problems who have converted to this way of eating (or even just to keto) have found significant, even tremendous turn-around benefits. You might like to look into it!

Grace and joy, nj

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As someone with a physical disability, I appreciate the reminder that my body is a gift.

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I like how you said, "And this body, despite its flaws, is a gift. "

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May 30Liked by Brittany Allen

Excellent insight, one that we tend to forget on a regular basis.

I find fasting is one of the greatest physical and spiritual healing tools.

As we get older we are supposed to get wiser, but we often just get more frustrated with not doing as much as we could before!

Fasting stops our headlong rush into old patterns, and forces us to rest in the Lord and trust for his provision.

Wisdom and patience are gifts from God, but we need to be willing to use them, and to do that we need to be humble and accepting of our gifts, including the limitations of our bodies.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and depart from evil.

(Prov 3:5-7)

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Great thoughts!

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Wise words!

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