Jul 29Liked by Brittany Allen

wow, that's a lot of books to be in the middle of! So many good ones though.

feeling jealous of your cut flowers all over the place - and your beautiful pictures of them. But jealousy sucks so instead I'll just be happy for you :-)

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Jul 23Liked by Brittany Allen

Great post Brittany! Want to know something? I felt a twinge of jealousy when I saw your TGCW24 photos on Insta...especially the note that you even got to be there with your writer's group! But then, I'm also so happy for you with those things too. Envy = a big thumbs down! Also, why does travel to anywhere have to be so expensive? We need to figure out teleportation ;)

I've been reading a lot of fiction lately, and also working through Tim Keller's book Forgive. It's very good, and I'm moving through it slowly.

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It is SO expensive! I’m sad you couldn’t be there! I’d have loved to meet you!

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My kids want to fly on a plane because none of them remember being on one...and YIKES. For a family of five? In this economy?

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Jul 22Liked by Brittany Allen

Thank you for your July 19 post: July Recs/Vacay & Envy Poem. The poem was beautiful. Many of us do struggle to be content with what the Lord gives us. I am trying to be content as well. I do want Christ to be my greatest treasure! I also liked the Tim Keller quote on idols. I have read The Splendid and the Vile. I read books about World War 2. Recently I read Tulsi Gabbard's book, For Love of Country (Leave the Democrat Party), and am currently reading Foxe's Book of Martyrs.

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Love WWII books as well! Thanks for sharing.

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I love the beautiful poem!

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Thank you 🩷

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